Tuesday, October 23, 2012

When is it time to update your website?

Everyday at least one of my clients receives an email from someone stating they their website needs to be updated, and the unknown email sender is the best person to do it. Everyday new people enter the arena of webdesign. some take a software class, others an online class and some buy a program of templates. I am asked, how often should a website be updated? And what is the difference between a web designer and website development?

 First, your website should be updated when:
1.) You have broken links, missing images, difficult navigation, outdated content or outdated firm image.
2.) Significant changes are made to search algorithms and your site results are beginning to decline
3.) You've added new associates or partners
 4.) You have new case results
5.) You have received acknowledgements or have articles newly published in legal journals.

When not to update:
1.) Someone guarantees you top placement in search results if they redesign your entire website. As a good attorney, your client may ask you at the onset of filing a case to tell them exactly what they will get when you win the case. Noting the many good cases that have been lost, it's evident that you can't guarantee what will happen. There are black-hat techniques that can get your website in the top results - for a while. However, long term success cannot be guaranteed. And black-hat techniques can come back to haunt you.
2.) You're bored with the look. Being pretty isn't always necessary. If your site is still bringing in new clients and referrals, it may not need a complete overhaul. You may need simple changes to colors and layouts to please your eye without losing the effect the content is making.
3.) You don't think it's pulling in results for you because the calls or emails you are getting are not your exact preferred client.  Before deciding your site isn't working, be sure to check the analytics and see what pages or content areas are drawing traffic. I've heard from attorney clients that getting the right clients is a numbers game  You may have to sort through several to find the one that is a legitimate case. By analyzing your traffic reports, you will see your website's strength and possible weaknesses.
4.) Because the new kid on the block or the email you just received told you to do it. If someone is telling you that your website is broken, and only they are the ones to fix it - think before acting. If someone approached you with that logic on a case you are working on - not knowing you, your client, the case or your objectives - would you immediately hire them?

The difference between a web designer and a web developer is:
A web designer
1.) can usually make your website look attractive with images, layout and colors. They may use a pre-designed template and simply fill in your information  BEWARE of those who use the same template for all their clients. I recently saw a legal web design template used with several law firms. The giveaway was not only the same exact layout, much of the same wording, but on two sites they neglected to fill in the portion that read [insert firm name here].
2.) places all the emphasis on your website, overlooking the integration throughout the internet.
3.) makes promises of quick results without explanation of how these results will be achieved.
4.) request to place your domain and hosting in a new account that they manage, many times without your ability to access. They may buy domains on your behalf, but in their name, and place them in this same account. When you decide to no longer have them as  your webdesigner, you may have a difficult time retrieving your assets, and sometimes can lose your entire website.

A good web developer 
1.) will analyze your entire web presence and give you a report on the results
2.) will listen to your goals and objectives of your  internet presence
3.) will give you an honest opinion of your web presence, which may conflict with yours
4.) may be able to work with what you already have and grow from there
5.) will offer more than just their one opinion of why your website and internet presence is providing the current results.

Many persons selling web services are offering their opinion, their companies opinion and the limitations of their designs. Some will use a marketing service, ( ie Yext, Citygrid, etc) to show you your results. If so, double-check these results. Many times these reports are incorrect, plus these are for-fee services, so the more their report indicates you need them, the easier it becomes to sell you their service.

A good web developer will use unrelated opinions, ie: other non-related web developers and focus groups. Always ask how they derived their assessment of your website and web presence.

Sometimes it's time to refresh your look. It's always time to keep your content current.

Analyze what you have before you agree to an overhaul, when a simple refresh is all you need.

Think of the big picture and long term.

If you think  your website needs an overhaul, let's talk. Click to email us. We'll listen first, look at your online presence and then offer our recommendations.  One size does not fit all.The solution for you should be unique to your business and goals. Maybe you only need a refresh.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Many websites are losing their search rankings - fast!

Have  you noticed a change in the results you've received after a search query? The new Google update may be part of the answer. If you are noticing the difference, just know, that other people are seeing the changes as well.

For many years, online marketers encouraged their clients to buy every domain name that described their products or services, ie: www.idothis.com, www.thisismyproduct.com, www.iamthebestatthis.com, etc. For a long time these exact keyword or brand name domains showed up in the top of the list in the search results even though they may not have had the content that someone was looking for.

According to Google the idea of this recent update is to provide searchers with the most relevant and high quality results. That isn't always the sites with exact match domain names.

Many companies attempted to “trick” the search engine into listing the company’s web site more highly by using a popular exact match domain, yet the website may have delivered low quality content and web spam.

This update reinforces the important of a high quality website. A successful online presence requires an ongoing plan to stay current and engaging. One page websites and business card type websites will continue to fall in the search rankings. Unless someone knows your exact domain name, they may not find you in their search results as easily as they did in the past.

Keeping your online presence high quality should include:
1. Current, relevant and engaging content on your website
2. Properly optimized content (Yes, you can over optimize and black-hat optimize. Both of which will penalize your web rankings.)
3. High quality links into your website
4. Social engagement. (this is more than merely talking about your persona life or posting jokes, unless that is your profession)
5. Unique navigation with relevant engaging content rather than the over used standards.

What to do if you already own exact keyword match domains?
Make sure it meets the list above. If not - fix it, fast before you lose ranking altogether.

Quick summary: Provide information, answer questions, provide a way to continue the relationship.

So you need help doing this? We can help. Contact us. We'll listen first, look at your online presence and then offer our recommendations.  One size does not fit all.The solution for you should be unique to your business and goals.