Sunday, April 24, 2011

Apps for Attorneys

iJuror - For use during voir dire and jury selection. Features allow you to quickly enter basic information, plus enter your notes to flag jurors for peremptory challenge or dismissal for cause. At the end of the day this application will compose a complete report of everything you have entered and with a tap of a button, email it to your office. Much more fun than sticky-notes. ($9.99)

Dropbox - A free file sharing system that allows users to share files (photos, documents, videos, etc.) from one device to another, whether it be multiple computers and operating sysgems (Windows, Mac, Linux), iPhones, iPads, Android and Blackberry devices. Dropbox makes sharing easy when working with other attorneys by inviting them to any folder in your Dropbox, and it'll be as if you saved that folder straight to their computer. Available basic (free account) up to 2 BG space and pay plans for larger usage. 

Documents To Go by DataViz - Store and edit Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Adobe pdf files on your SmartPhone or PDA. Prices vary on type of device.

JuryTracker- Note juror observations, keep notes tied to a specific juror, have those observations and notes time-stamped. ($4.99)

FastCase gives you free access to primary law from all 50 states, in addition to federal law. (free)

iPleading- The iPleading allows attorneys, paralegals, and law students to easily create litigation documents on their iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad.($9.99)

Billing Timer by iPunchclock. - When you initiate a task, just hit start and the timer begins recording that shift. It allows you to keep multiple time sheets open.  ($4.99)

Court Days -- Day Calculator For Lawyers. Court Days allows you to quickly calculate the number of court days or calendar days (or a combination of the two) before or after a given date. ($.99)

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