Friday, March 16, 2012
Google Gives Search a Refresh
Is your website be ready?
Amit Singhal, a top Google search executive, said in a recent interview that "Google isn't replacing its current keyword-search system, which determines the importance of a website based on the words it contains, how often other sites link to it, and dozens of other measures. Rather, the company is aiming to provide more relevant results by incorporating technology called "semantic search," which refers to the process of understanding the actual meaning of words."
When was the last time you had an independent analysis of your website (someone other than your own computer, your employees or customers?)
How good (or great) are your website and internet exposure results?
Your internet strategy should include changes to all your internet profiles, website and 3rd party listings when significant changes in the search algorithms are introduced. The older or incorrect your internet image appears, the more out of date, unqualified or unsuccessful you appear. Make sure your online image matches your real firm image.
Wishing you awesome and continuing success.
Sumner M. Davenport
Sumner M. Davenport & Assoc.
Solutions Consultants
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Why "Likes" Alone Are Not Enough
Just because someone liked your business page doesn't mean they are reading your posts, or after the new Facebook algorithm update, they may not even be seeing your posts.
Page "likes" are only the beginning of the relationship. Social media and networking is about building relationships and not just advertising yourself.
When you posts are "shared", it is usually an indication that someone not only liked what you posted, but wanted to share it with their network of friends as well.
Your marketing goals should include posting interesting and relative content on your page and sharing other people's posts. When you share theirs, they become more interested to see what you are posting. If you share someone else's post, they might be motivated to come back and comment on your shared post, which then keeps your page name in front of their network, and their network's network, and so on, and so on....
Simply put:
1. Post great content that people want to tell their network about.
2. Share content that you find interesting and you want to tell your network of friends and fans about
3. Make comments with substance and invite continued interaction.
4. Comment from your business page, not your profile, if you want people to be drawn to your business page.
5. Repeat
Wishing you awesome and continuing success.
Sumner M. Davenport is a Solutions Consultant.
Best Selling Author and Keynote Speaker
Solutions, not just answers.
Solutions are not one-size-fits-all.
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Monday, March 5, 2012
Legal Directories

It seems that every day a new legal directory is created and your inbox gets flooded with emails inviting you to sign up. It's becoming more difficult to determine which sites are more than content farm and are actually are worth your effort.