Regardless of the size of your law firm, marketing is essential if you want to keep pace and grow in today's marketplace. The Internet is a powerful marketing tool - when used strategically and correctly. A few common mistakes that can hurt you might include:
A website that looks like everyone else, with common content.
When your website looks like everyone else then how does your client or a referring attorney see you as any different. This is usually made by using the same template you liked on someone else's site, or using a web company with limited knowledge or access to templates.
Attorneys who post personal activities on their social media profiles.
Most attorneys (hopefully) know what is legal to post online, however, when you advise your clients to be careful of what they post on their social sites, the same advice is good for you. What you think is a cute joke or "no harm" comment just might show up in a search by a juror or opposing counsel.
Attorneys who control it all
It is important that you have an understanding of what the Internet can do for you, however, the playing field is changing multiple times a day. The learning never ends. What you are doing today may not hold up to the search engine algorithms, or the changes in various social media policies and offerings. The biggest mistake in doing it all yourself is how much time you take away from what you do best - lawyering.
The worst mistake is to stop marketing
Every day new lawyers are entering the already competitive marketplace. Although the Internet is growing in persuasive power every day, it is only one component that should be included in your overall marketing plan. Some attorneys stop marketing because they think they have enough cases or referrals, then things slow now and panic ensues. Marketing through personal networking, speaking engagements, associations and events should also be in your marketing arsenal. Each one is powerful, however, putting them together in a strategic marketing plan can be even more effective for you.
Whether you are looking to attract clients or referrals from other attorneys, the image they see on the Internet will play into their decision about you.
So do what you do best, and trust your assistants or outside consultants to assist you in maximizing the potential of the Internet.
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